A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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17   Corke to all Citties, may example bee,
To know they are not from Gods Iustice free: For being Sinners they may feare the like, As fell to Corke, God in his wrath will strike.
18   But they will say, God's mercifull, 'tis true, But in this case, let them giue God his due: Let them not so vnto his mercy trust,
But let them know that God is also lust.
19   God's mercifull to Sinners which repent, His Iustice is towards lingring sinners bent: Who will take holde of mercy and of Grace,
Let them repent whilest they haue time and space.
20   Repentance onely pacifies Gods Ire, Preserues from sodaine, and Eternall Fire: This word Repentance, is a wicked thing, To wicked Liuers, 'tis a Serpents sting.
21   Why should Repentance be so bitter, when Tis the onely salue to Cure sinfull men ? And furthermore when as we are most sure, That dye we must wee cannot long endure.
22   When we are sure, we from this world must goe, But by what kinde of Death, we doe not know: No more then Corke did when that God did powre The Fire vpon them in a dreadfull houre.
23   Why should not we be well prouided then, Against a certaine Death, but know not when: Nor by what kinde of death, Death will vs take, Then let Repentance our attonement make.
24   If men Repentance in this life doe stay, Let them consider of the Iudgement day: When God to Sinners, shall say in his Ire: Goe hence yee Cursed to Eternall Fire.
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